A preview of the new-look of the £9.5 Million Corby Sixth Form in Chisholm House, Queens Square, Corby was made available recently.
A public exhibition held in the shopping complex was viewed by neighbours and potential students of The Bedford College Group facility which will open to students in September 2023.

State of the Art facilities
The 4,000 sq ft centre will comprise an impressive new entrance extension, more than 25 classrooms, state of the art science labs, resource centres and performance areas. The students will be able to enjoy an external roof terrace, and a modern café and common room areas.
The existing architectural design will embrace the current style of the building and is being designed to run as carbon neutral to the environment.

The money has come from the Corby Town Fund of £19.9 Million and the Sixth Form, which will bring 100s of students and staff into the town centre, was part of the original bid to central government.
Find out more about the progress of the Sixth Form
Facebook: CorbySixthForm
Instagram: @corbysixthform
The Bedford College Group has already helped footfall to the Corby town centre with its spacious Learning Centre in nearby George Street where adults can gain or brush up their essential digital skills, achieve English and maths qualifications or take part in pre-employment training, all for free. Almost 1,000 Corby residents have already taken advantage of this facility.
Said Ian Pryce long-serving CEO of The Bedford College Group:
“Investment, with the backing of supportive partners has proven in Bedford, Kettering and Wellingborough how valuable having an educational outlet is for town centres. Our colleges, sixth forms and Learning Centres encourage footfall and custom and inject life into town centres.”
The Corby Sixth Form will enrich the educational choices of the area, which currently includes Tresham College Corby Campus, part of The Bedford College Group.
The Corby Sixth Form will offer nearly 30 A Level subjects, academic excellence bursaries for those with the best GCSEs, travel assistance. It is open to all 16-18-year-olds free of charge, subject to entry criteria. Applications will open in October 2022 for study from September 2023.